I bins net gwegn


The song is written in bavarian slang. To translate in any other language is impossible.
But impossible is only a further challenge

It is no my fault

It was on a winter night,  as it happend
There was somebody overhelmed  and he massacred his wife
He cut her in pieces and made sausages cause he was a Baker of profession?
No. A Butcher. That is clear!
I was nearby and thought that is not possible
But then the policemen arrive and ask
Who has saw it and who has done this

It is not my fault and I do not saw anything
It is not my fault and I do not saw anything
And to be honest. What has happend

There was one who has a lot of grief and has therefore decide to do suicide
He shoot himself a bullet in his brain that it explode in thousand pf pieces
And the people has talked about the blood and brain mud
And who should clean it up and it is a scandal that nonbody takes care aboutand
bla bla bla
I was nearby and thought that is not possible
But then the paramedic arrive and ask
Who has saw it and who has done this

It is not my fault and I do not saw anything
It is not my fault and I do not saw anything
And to be honest. What has happend


It was on a summerday
I was with my fried by the pool
I brought her home we dance and kiss and got to bed
La la la
Later she said we can not do that
That’s not right, and what does my husband says
I take and comforted in my arm
I  said to her life is short
but the most important is

It was very nice and we was not seen
Tt was very nice and we was not seen
But hopefully nothing has happend

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